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How To Invest In Startups 2023 Comprehensive Guide

Updated: Sep 10, 2023

group of startup employees sitting around a table on their laptops
Photo by Wix

One of the easiest, best, and most accessible ways for anyone to invest in startups is through equity crowdfunding sites. Investing in startups has never been more accessible, thanks to equity crowdfunding platforms like StartEngine and Wefunder. This comprehensive guide will help you understand how to invest in startups, leveraging these platforms to diversify your portfolio.

Table of Contents

Understanding Startups and Equity Crowdfunding

Startups represent young companies in their initial stages, often working on innovative products or services. Equity crowdfunding offers a way for everyday investors to support these ventures, purchasing shares or other equity interests.

Equity Crowdfunding Platforms

  • StartEngine: A leading platform for startup investment, offering a wide range of investment opportunities.

  • Wefunder: Another popular choice for startup investments, with user-friendly features and support.

  • Republic: Republic typically takes the #3 slot for equity crowdfunding portals and has a vast network of venture-backed funds and companies.

  • Dealmaker: DealMaker is a white-label service that allows companies to raise funds through their own 'portal' of sorts. These are still completely legitimate.

How to Select Startups to Invest In

Investing in startups requires careful consideration of various factors:

  1. Industry & Market: Understand the industry and target market of the startup.

  2. Team Background: Evaluate the team's experience and capabilities.

  3. Business Model: Assess the revenue model, growth potential, and scalability.

  4. Due Diligence: Utilize platforms like for equity crowdfunding news and education.

  5. Momentum & Financials: Look into the companies financials and understand the state of the company. This can also tell investors what kind of momentum the startup is experiencing.

  6. More: There are dozens of other considerations that are important when investing in startups, but these often depend on the company and what stage it is in.

Investing through StartEngine, Wefunder, and Other Platforms

Here's a step-by-step guide to investing in startups through equity crowdfunding:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up on platforms like StartEngine or Wefunder.

  2. Browse Opportunities: Explore the various startups and investment options.

  3. Review Terms: Understand the terms, minimum investments, and other details.

  4. Invest: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your investment.

  5. Monitor Progress: Keep track of your investments and stay updated with relevant news.

Other Ways to Invest in Startups

If equity crowdfunding isn't for you, there are a number of other ways to invest in startups. In total there are 6 other ways investors can get involved in startup investing:

  1. Start your own startup: This doubles as investing in yourself and can be a great way to get experience in the space, and build your own asset.

  2. Invest in a friend's startup: There are literally millions of small businesses in the U.S. so odds are you know an owner of one. Call them up and go into business together, or ask to become an investor.

  3. Invest in Venture Capital Funds: Investing in startups isn't easy, that's why there an entire industry of people that do it for a living. There are a number of venture capital funds investors can buy into, whether you're accredited or unaccredited.

  4. Invest in Private Placements: This likely requires you to be an accredited investor. If you are, then there are likely a lot of great options for you to invest in private placement offerings.

  5. Buy Pre-IPO: There are a number of platforms like Robinhood and Webull that allow investors to invest in companies pre-IPO.

  6. Buy Post-IPO: While these technically aren't startups anymore, there are a number of companies still in their early stages that are active on the stock market (penny stocks, pink sheets, etc.)

Risks and Rewards of Startup Investing

Investing in startups carries both potential rewards and inherent risks:


  1. High Return Potential: If the startup is successful, early investors can realize significant returns on their investments.

  2. Equity Ownership: Investors may acquire a share of the company, which can grow in value as the startup succeeds.

  3. Innovative Exposure: Investing in startups allows investors to be a part of cutting-edge technologies and innovative business models.

  4. Diversification: Startups can provide a different risk-reward profile compared to traditional investments, helping to diversify a portfolio.

  5. Supporting Entrepreneurs: Investors get the satisfaction of supporting entrepreneurs and innovations that may not otherwise get a chance.

  6. Early Access: Being an early investor might give one access to new products or services before the general public.


  1. High Risk: A significant percentage of startups fail. Thus, there's a high risk of losing the entire investment.

  2. Liquidity Issues: Investments in startups are typically illiquid. This means you might not be able to sell your stake quickly or at a desired price.

  3. Long Time Horizon: It can take years before a startup reaches a point where investors can see a return, if at all.

  4. Dilution: Future investment rounds can dilute the ownership percentage of early investors if they don't participate in follow-on rounds.

  5. Limited Information: Unlike public companies, startups are not required to disclose as much information, which can make it challenging to assess their potential.

  6. Emotional Attachment: Investors might become emotionally attached to a startup, which can cloud judgment when making critical financial decisions.

When considering an investment in a startup, especially through platforms related to equity crowdfunding, it's essential to do thorough due diligence, understand the risks, and consult with financial professionals if needed.

Common Mistakes, Considerations & Tips For Getting Started Investing In Startups

Investing in startups requires a different set of considerations than traditional investments. Here are some tips for startup investing and how to choose the right companies:

  1. Do Your Due Diligence: Research the company's business model, management team, market potential, and competitive landscape. Delve into their financials, customer testimonials, and technology.

  2. Invest in What You Know: It's often recommended to invest in industries or sectors you're familiar with. Your background knowledge can provide insights that others might overlook.

  3. Management Team: A competent, experienced, and passionate team is crucial for a startup's success. Look for founders who have a track record or relevant industry experience.

  4. Clear Value Proposition: The startup should address a clear market need or problem. It's essential to understand why their solution is unique or better than existing alternatives.

  5. Market Size and Growth: Ensure the startup is targeting a sizable and growing market. Even the best product won't succeed if the addressable market is too small.

  6. Traction: Startups that have some level of traction, whether in terms of sales, user engagement, partnerships, or other metrics, are often less risky than those at the idea stage.

  7. Scalability: Consider whether the business can scale. Tech-driven startups often have higher scalability compared to service-based businesses.

  8. Financial Health: Review the startup's financial statements. While early-stage startups might not be profitable, they should have a clear path to profitability.

  9. Exit Strategy: Understand the startup's potential exit strategies. This could be an acquisition, merger, or initial public offering (IPO). Knowing the potential exit avenues can help gauge your return prospects.

  10. Diversify: Just as with traditional investments, it's wise to diversify your startup investments. Since many startups fail, diversification can help mitigate risks.

  11. Invest Only What You Can Afford to Lose: Startups are high-risk investments. Always ensure that you're financially comfortable with the possibility of a total loss.

  12. Stay Updated: Once invested, keep yourself updated with the company's progress, financial health, and any industry developments that might affect them.

  13. Seek Professional Advice: Consider consulting with a financial advisor or someone experienced in the startup ecosystem before making investment decisions.

  14. Legal Aspects: Ensure you understand the terms of the investment, including your rights as an investor, any potential dilution risks, and any restrictions on selling your stake.

  15. Network: Being part of investor networks or groups can provide valuable insights, access to deal flows, and shared experiences from seasoned investors.

For those exploring equity crowdfunding platforms, ensure that you're aware of the specific regulations, terms, and conditions that each platform offers. Given your interest in equity crowdfunding and portals like StartEngine and Wefunder, staying updated with news and developments in this sector will be beneficial.

Startup Investing Resources

There are a number of invaluable resources investors can use to aid them on their startup investing journey. Both StartEngine and Wefunder have guides and FAQ sections on their website to help inform investors of the risks involved with startup investing, common terminology and more. Further, Democratizing.Finance is a great resource to aid investors and regularly posts new content daily.


Investing in startups through equity crowdfunding platforms like StartEngine and Wefunder offers exciting opportunities for investors. With careful selection, understanding of risks, and continuous learning, you can make informed decisions to support innovative ventures.

For more insights and updates on equity crowdfunding, visit, a dedicated news site for equity crowdfunding news and education.

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