I love hearing from people in the Equity Crowdfunding space. There's so many people from such diverse backgrounds and ideologies it's been amazing getting to know people in the space and that follow myself and the industry.
With that, take some time to introduce yourself! How'd you discover equity crowdfunding, why do you invest, and just generally tell me about yourself and your thoughts about the industry! As well, thanks for joining!

Hey Caleb!
I've been reading some of your work on Medium for a while and saw you created this new site. You're one of the few writers in the equity crowdfunding space I've found, and I really enjoy reading your content.
I got into equity crowdfunding early in 2021 and was shocked to find out that the space even existed. I always found it unfair accredited investors got access to startup investing while average investors didn't, so finding out about the JOBS act and what it now allows was momentous for me. I've used Startengine, Dealmaker, Republic, and Wefunder and try to go for both quantity and quality of investments simultaneously since we all know 9/10 startups fail. I'm hoping those odds improve as crowdfund platforms do some vetting of who they list, but even still if we can all get just one winner out of ten to twenty investments that's going to offset the losses and then some.
Anyways, keep up the great work and expanding this site to a wider audience. I've shared it with some of my investing friends, but even they are still very reluctant to equity crowdfunding with only 1 actually dipping their toes in to invest in Boxabl. Getting people as excited about equity crowdfunding as they can get about crypto or meme stocks will be challenging, but once a few winners go public and make people some money I think this will become easier. I started out in crypto in 2014, and I'm as excited about Reg CF/A+ offerings now as I was about BTC and ETH back then. It's only a matter of time.
Feel free to follow me on Republic and I look forward to reading more of your articles in the future! https://republic.com/@alexander-duplessie